The 10 strangest beauty salon procedures of the past

Beauty salons and beauty procedures have changed a lot over the years. I would like to think they have changed for the better. They are more efficient, more relaxing and less painful these days. It was not always like that.

Beauty salons and beauty procedures have changed a lot over the years. I would like to think they have changed for the better. They are more efficient, more relaxing and less painful these days. It was not always like that. Beauty procedures and beauty salons in the past, specifically in the 1920s, 1930 and even 1940, seemed very different for those we have now. I mean, we are always a little stupid with a facial factor, and there is no denying that we look pretty ridiculous while whitening our hair or waiting for the loops to fix, but it is not Nothing compared to the beauty procedures of the past. These procedures seem to belong to a kind of horror movie. Let's take a closer look, are we going?

Perfect curls
In order to reach the most perfect loops, women have been ready to do almost everything. This understood to sit on a chair for several hours, with their hair wrapped around several heated metal shutters. This procedure was uncomfortable because you could not really move your head, it took a few hours and you usually need some assistants to do it. Oh, if only the heated rollers were invented earlier, I'm right?

Say goodbye to wrinkles
In order to get rid of wrinkles and all kinds of skin imperfections, it was common for women to wear rubber masks. I do not know how it would help realize a perfect skin, but that's what people believed in the 1920s, that's what they did.

Thin legs for all
Is it possible to reduce without exercise? In the beauty salons of the 1940s offered many different procedures that promised to make you look thinner. The slender massage chairs were exceptionally popular at the time. All you had to do was sit down and read or knit or do what you want, while your legs were massaged with metal rollers. The procedure promised to make your legs smoother and thinner. I guess a massage could not hurt anyone.

Epic tumble dryer
Before the pocket dryers were invented, women had to find alternative ways to dry their hair. The drying of the air has taken forever and it is difficult to obtain a natural volume. The beauty salons of the 1920s found an interesting solution. They had huge steady dryer they were just targeting in the general direction of your head. There is no way to block your hair this way, but it has allowed your hair to dry faster.

Skin vacuum cleaner
This strange appearance contract has been used to achieve smooth skin without pimples. It was essentially a vacuum for your face. The glass suction cups were tied to your face and were supposed literally anyway all the dirt of your pores. It looks like they were headed in the right direction, but there is little luck that this inventing has cleaned pores.

Remover freckle spot
We love freckles now, but in the freckle stains of the 30s have been frosted. He was outdated to have freckles, they were considered skin imperfections and everyone was trying to hide or get rid of them. They even approached a special procedure to get rid of freckles. Carbon dioxide has been used to freeze each individual freckle spot. After a week, your skin would be free from freckles. It sounds like too much work for me. Why did women tortured as much? The freckles are so cute.

Beauty Calibrator by Max Factor
This horrible control address, called the beauty calibrator, was invented by a maximum factor in the 1930s. The objective was to assist an appropriate demand for makeup. It was supposed to help determine which areas on the face should be strengthened or reduced using makeup.

Heaven Heaven
This awesome mask was supposed to help fight face face after a wild party. It consisted of plastic cubes that you were supposed to fill with water and freeze and then apply to your face. I guess this bizarre ice pack could work, but it should look so strange?

Heated face mask
On the other hand, here is a heated face mask. It sounds like something a bad dream or a horror movie, is not it? He trend and heated your face. The idea behind this mask was to warm the skin to promote better blood circulation in your face and give you a beautiful pink complexion.

Skin clamping mask
Helena Rubinstein's beauty salon made a lot of money on this mask in the 1940s. It was supposed to tighten your skin, minimize the appearance of wrinkles and wrinkles. Was it effective? There is no way to know without fail. But Helena Rubinstein believed that "there are no ugly women, just lazy", and that the motto did a great job of attracting women to his living room.

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