Freck Redhead - Brock Elbank strike portraits
The photographer Brock Elbank has a talent to capture the exotic - the unusually beautiful. The rare side of beauty that is not as unexpected or symmetrical as the side that the media present us.

The photographer Brock Elbank has a talent to capture the exotic - the unusually beautiful. The rare side of beauty that is not as unexpected or symmetrical as the side that the media present us. They are bold, they are intense and they are breathtaking - these freckle stain models are not like everything you've ever seen before, with these incredible faces and incredible that deserve finally the projectors they Merit, near gross advertising. The small places that some could see as defects are shows in all their glory, and the subjects are unreal.
This red red red babe incredibly - and his eyebrows on the point.
Wow - his freckles or beautiful eyes? We do not know where to look at this hottie, but we know we are in it.
This little boy will have all the chicks that fade one day - his face is covered with a small brown point, which disperses below his neck - and the intensity of his eyes makes it difficult to divert the gaze.
Wow - We would kill for these loops! He looks at us with confidence and pride - if we had these locks, we would too.
Ok - This "Castaway" freckle can have been blocked on an agent a little too long, but we are always there. His eyes almost correspond to the color of his freckles - there is more bronzy red than anyone on this list.
Love your hair ruffled, a surfer-girl atmosphere. It looks relaxed and carefree and its freckles shower the upper chest of the chest and arms giving it an unbeatable glow.
This beauty gives us pure She-Power, with its warrior profile and a long braid. His body is covered in small gold points and if someone has ever intimidated for that, they are probably quite jealous now.
Finally, a small smile! Her bright blue eyes unlike her pretty natural hair make it look like her freckle task cheeks pretty much resembles cleverly applied redness. The freckles are the natural makeup of nature and this queen the bass.
OMG. We do not know where this girl came, nor what ethnicities he is, but we do not know why he is not in 1 direction because we want this beautiful face bombarding our eyes at any time.
Get mega pocahontas vibes of this goddess. Its long straight black hair complements dense splashing on its nose that accentuates only its pretty features.
We have an instinct that this girl has natural courage - she looks at us and almost defies us from accepting it - the look of a hardened life by being intimidated from her eyes, but we hope she recognizes what point it is superb.
While we are grateful for all the succulent locks of this list, we appreciate the narrow cut of this girl - so we can focus on her radiant face. We love the tooth of the gap and the different sizes and forms of its freckles. So much to worship.

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