9 most unusual ways to attach a tie

Not enough people wear links these days. I say people, not men, because I firmly believe that women can wear links too. In fact, I would go as far as saying that women can shave a tie better than some men. But it's not the point ...

Not enough people wear links these days. I say people, not men, because I firmly believe that women can wear links too. In fact, I would go as far as saying that women can shave a tie better than some men. But that's not the point now. I would be very happy so at least, men started to wear links more often. In the words of the character of Anne Hathaway in the trainee "how in a generation, the men had passed from guys like Jack Nicholson and Harrison Ford, to ... * Points at the boys in T-shirts *". So, on the right, this terrible fake, I present you with a different ways to tie a tie. Yes, they are more difficult than your usual tie knot, but it's a great way to stand out.

  • Tulip node

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 1
Once you have mastered simple knots, you should try it. It's not so difficult and you can find a tutorialhere.


9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 2This magnificent tie node will certainly add a character to your outfit. The video tutorial can be foundhere.


9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 3This is one of the classic nodes, so this one is a must for any gentleman posh. Find video instructionshere.

  • Trinity knot

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 4If you are a fan of the matrix, you may want to learn this awesome tie knot. The video tutorial is availablehere.

  • Pekada

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 5The Pekada tie knot is quite rare and very fantasy. It would be an excellent choice for a wedding. Watch a detailed video tutorialhere.

  • Vidien

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 6I know that the word "vidalia" immediately raises the onion association, but believe me it's much better than that. It's a very elegant tie knot. Video instructions can be foundhere.

  • Linwood Taurus

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 7Taurus means "The Bull", so if it's your zodiac sign, or if you want to say your dominance - this tie node is an excellent choice. Click onhereFor a video tutorial.

  • Van Wijk Cravat

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 8This tie node is great. It looks pretty simple, but unique and unusual at the same time. If you want to learn to tie this tie node, gohereFor instructions.

  • Bow tie

9 Most Unusual Ways To Tie A Tie 9The arc nodes are cool! Nothing else needs to be said about it. Become instant freshness by learning to attach abow tie.

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