Sleeping with a baby bump: best positions during pregnancy

Get comfortable at night is not an easy task. But it turns into a mission impossible when you are pregnant. Your stomach becomes bigger, your back gets tired at the end of the day and hurts me, you feel short of breath and stomach burns sometimes. So instead ...

Sleeping with a Baby Bump Best Positions While Pregnancy 1
Get comfortable at night is not an easy task. But it turns into a mission impossible when you are pregnant. Your stomach becomes bigger, your back gets tired at the end of the day and hurts me, you feel short of breath and stomach burns sometimes. So, instead of getting the sleep needed, you keep switching and rolling in your bed to find the best position for you and your baby. Of course, sleep positions are individual, but there are several tips that pregnant women should feel more comfortable at night.

Sleeping with a Baby Bump Best Positions While Pregnancy 2It is the savings position for most pregnant women. The so-called SOS actually means sleeping on the side. It is more recommended to sleep on the left side. This position allows the flow of blood and nutrients to your abdomen. Your kidneys also work better when you are on your left side, and you get rid of an extra liquid in your body, so that your feet and your hands do not invalid the next morning. Sleeping on your right side is also good, but in this position, your liver gets more pressure, so it's still the most optimal.

Sleeping with a Baby Bump Best Positions While Pregnancy 3Get a closing pillow to raise a little head. This will reduce the pressure on your diaphragm and help you better breathe at night. You can also place a pillow under your belly or between the legs to support your stomach. You can use classic pillows or comprehensive body pillows for this purpose. The goal is to support your muscles and prevent you from rolling back.

Fold your kneesSleeping with a Baby Bump Best Positions While Pregnancy 4When you are on your side, bend a little your legs in the knees. This will give extra support to the muscles around your hips. This position will also help you get your spine resting and preventing back pain.

Mid-sessionSleeping with a Baby Bump Best Positions While Pregnancy 5If you can not sleep in your bed - aim for it! You can try to sleep in the mid-session position if you have a comfortable chair or sofa. Tell doctors, there is no harm in this position, but not everyone can fall asleep while sitting down. You can use pillows to make you more comfortable. Anyway, the sleep sleep is preferable that no sleep at all, so it's certainly worth trying. In addition, half of the sitting position will help reduce stomach burns.

Avoid sleeping on your back
Sleeping with a Baby Bump Best Positions While Pregnancy 6When you are in your second trimester, it is not recommended to sleep on your back. First of all, it will not leave your spine properly. Second, he will hinder the blood flow to your placenta. And the position increases the risk of having nausea. However, in your sleep, you can not avoid changing position because you do not control your body. So, if you wake up at night, I prepare you on your back - do not worry. Just rolling slowly on your left side and fall asleep again. You can also put a pillow on your back to keep you on the side.

Do not door on your belly
Intenta descansar tanto como puedas.

In the last stages of your pregnancy, it will be almost impossible to lie down your belly - your stomach is too big and that your breasts are probably wounded. Sleeping on your stomach will make your breathing more difficult and will increase the pressure on your uterus. That's why you and your baby will not feel comfortable in this position. Leave it just for the post-pregnancy period.

As you can see the choice of sleep positions during pregnancy is not very wide. However, you should not give up. Try to find your best position and organize your bed to feel comfortable. Remember that it's crucial for you and your baby to have enough rest at this time of your life. In addition, when baby appears, you will miss these precious hours of good sleep during the night, so you'd better appreciate it now, while you can.
(For more night position tips, you can also watch this informative video)

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