Stop calling me crazy - Why guys have to stop using this word

When a guy calls me crazy, I close. This shows a lack of respect and it scares. Men are never called crazy. They are called "assertive" or "bosses" in situations where women are called bitches. Take Anna Wintour, for example. She is called a bitch ...

Stop calling me crazy - why guys need to stop using that wordWhen a guy calls me crazy, I close. This shows a lack of respect and it scares. Men are never called crazy. They are called "assertive" or "bosses" in situations where women are called bitches. Take Anna Wintour, for example. She is called a bitch all the time, but male CEOs in the same position are patted on her back daily.

When you call me crazy, I think of all the moments when you called your ex crazy. When you told me, I smiled and reassured you that I was the "cold girl" that I was so sorry to face that. You have smiled and told me that I was "so on earth". And as you crunch and call me crazy, I'm sorry to never let you call it that and I have also fallen for your shit.

"Crazy" is a way for guys to apologize for doing nothing wrong. It's a way to minimize feelings or take away the right for them at all. It is a way to control and, in turn, using this word is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. It is far from taking the power of my own life and I will not let you do it.

Because when I'm on my rules, you have no idea what it's like. You have never pmed in your life. You do not get that when it's the most cramked, the most grumpy day, and you give up last minute projects to watch the game with your friends, I'm not "crazy" to be upset. I'm just annoying that you have made a move to the ass.

And you use this word to end the argument with me, spray your superiority throughout the room. You paint me in a cartoon character version and blowing from myself rather than trying to understand my emotions and see me as a real person.

Because I'm not the "cold daughter" of the Roman Gillian Flynn. No one is. If they are, they suffered a kind of lobotomy, because reacting to things is what makes us human and helps us get to know each other better. As soon as the word "C" comes out, we come out of the defensive and it fades completely from the facade of the cooling girl, allowing you to use all your evidence "Folles" against me even more. It breaks me from the inside and makes me feel like I do not have a piece of myself to hold, or defend. This implies that I do not understand my own emotions, when in reality, I do not think you understand me.

To be emotional and upset on something does not make me crazy, just because your reaction is the stone face. I will not excuse me for things that are not my fault. I will bear my right to react, in the same way that you have gaps and react as well, without falling into the word "react". I will not let me terrorize with this word when it just means something just embarrassing that I said, or ..

Like the sport, the bad video games and the worst pest jokes are not troublesome for me? Women are called "high maintenance", while guys get old "boys will be boys" and a non-delivered shaker. The ladies are forced to trivialize their problems, while guys get a tap on the back to cry and express themselves vulnerable.

So please, stop calling me this word, because that's why the little girls who will grow to be me, all distribute their feelings and start feeling bad about them. That's why we're doing things like before controlling our diet or keeping the walls when we get to know you. The next time something does not make sense for you, try to understand it alone, without starting a word from your mouth, it is more a power movement than a precise description of my behavior.

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