10 beauty tips without sweat to beat the summer heat

Summer heat can cause hamous havoc with your hair and makeup. It's not really good for you in general, but we have already spoken about health tips and essential elements for the summer first aid kit in previous articles. Let's focus today on beauty tips today. You...

10 No-Sweat Beauty Tips to Beat the Summer HeatSummer heat can cause hamous havoc with your hair and makeup. It's not really good for you in general, but we have already spoken about health tips and essential elements for the summer first aid kit in previous articles. Let's focus today on beauty tips today. You may know of joy because of sunny weather but what about your makeup and your hair? Makeup tends to melt in heat and frisange hair or loses volume. If you do not want all your efforts to go to lose, try these beauty tips without swearing.

Preventer1 Prevent shineIf you do not want to look like a grease bullet this summer, here are some tips for you. Change your facial cleaning routine. Turn on the creamy face washing with a foam. It's also a good idea to change face cream to an oil without oil, preferably with a lot of SPF. If you know you have oily skin - carry blot papers. They really help fight brilliance. Do not attempt to cover the brilliance with a lot of powder. Your face will be transpired and the powder will melt or flock on you and look all. Instead, throw your powder in your handbag and refresh when you need, but only to powder slightly the center of your face.

Go waterproof and waterproof
2 Go waterproof and smudgeproofBelieve me, it's really embarrassing when your mascara turns or your eyeliner tapes in summer and people continue to ask you if you cry. There is no cool or nice way to say "Oh no, do not worry, I'm not angry, it's really hot and I sweat abundantly". Nobody wants to hear that. So back a little embarrassment and simply use waterproof and anti-machage products. Not only will they save you from the nightmare that "melting panda eyes", but they will also last longer.

Clear layersFond de teint appliquŽ au pinceau sur la joue. mr25.pdfThis applies not only to clothes, to the ladies. You can also make light layers with makeup. Instead of using a thick base, try using a tinted moisturizer. Your skin will breathe better and will not turn so much. Same thing for lipstick. There is no utility in rich creamy lipstick in summer. You simply prepare for a disaster. You can try a light shine of the lip, but if you plan to go to the beach, be ready to have pieces of your hair stuck to your mouth. The best option is the lips spot. It lasts longer, it does not move and it seems more natural.

Cream shadow4 Cream eyeshadowIt may seem surprising for some of us, but the cream eyelid works better in the summer heat. When I heard that for the first time, I thought it sounded a little counter-intuitive, but turns out that it is true. Powder shadows tend to plunge like crazy. Your eyelids produce more oils when it's hot and the eyelash bells with powder snuggles. Not a very nice look. However, the consistency of cream eyelids makes them more durable during the summer. In addition, you get this beautiful bright look on your eyelids, who does not want it, right? To further prevent croissants, make sure you use the eyegrowth. In fact, make sure you use a makeup primer on your face.

Be good at your hair
Black woman playing with hairTry to avoid using heat tools on your hair. It is quite damaged by the sun, you really do not need to add to it. If your hair loses a volume in the summer, try using a clarifying shampoo and putting only conditioner on your ends. This should add a little volume to the roots of your hair. If you have curly hair or fight with frizz, make sure to moisturize your hair. Treat yourself to a moisturizing hair mask once a week and try to regularly use leave conditioners.

Wear a hat6 Wear a hatIf you can not be disturbed to deal with your hair, simply wear a hat. It's in style this year and you will look fabulous without having to implement. A hat will protect your head from a sunburn and add a bohemian chic to your outfit. However, if you feel that your head becomes sweat under the hat, wash it as soon as possible to whip dry shampoo. Apparently, the combination of sweat and heat under the hat can bring your hair color to become brewed. But it's just if you color your hair. If your hair has not been bleached or colorful, you should go well.

UPDOS7 UpdosIf you think the hats do not suit you, which is ridiculous, everyone can wear a hat, simply find the right hat, I have a solution for you. Updos. They are very effective. You can put your hair in a messy bun and avoid you from "sweat neck syndrome" and you will look adorable at the same time. You can also braid your hair or make a braided bread. This will be more structured and will keep your hair out of your face, which is always good in summer. Or you can go for a complex UPDO for an elegant look. It's all you want to decide. The point is that the Updos will save you from the heat and make you look like you to make efforts. Anyway, it's a winning situation.

Spray8 Setting spraySpray framing is your best friend during the summer heat. It's both refreshing and it will prevent you from making you melting your face. I have always been skeptical to adjust the spray. I thought the best option during the summer is to wear a very minimal makeup or no makeup at all. In this way, you will not have to worry about your fondant face and you can smother yourself in a sunscreen. I am always my own minimal make-up philosophy Most days, but now, I know there is always an option to use the setting setting in case I should put makeup for a cause even or just because I feel like that day.

Lip balm9 Lip balmMany of us tend to think that lip balm is only for these times it's really windy outdoors. We tend to think that the only thing it contains our lips to trap. Well, that's not the case. Lipbalm also retains your hydrated lips. It's essential in summer. We tend to put a sunscreen on us everywhere, but when it comes to our lips, we just forgot. Do not make this mistake again. Get a good lipbale with SPF 15 in and protect your lips from the harmful rays of the sun.

Nail polish
Close up of woman holding fingernail polish bottles in nail salonBright polished nails are always in the process of trend in summer. It's great if you can afford to pick up your nails at the show, but if you do not do it, here is a tip for you. Nail polish tend to dry out or form bubbles in heat. So, if you have a preferred nail polish for the summer - keep it in the refrigerator. I will extend the life of this nail polish and keep it probably and without bubble. In addition, it will feel nice and cool on your nails when applying it.

Categories: Beauty
By: liudmyla
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