This is what happens to your body after abandoning alcohol for 2 weeks

We are all flagrant wine lovers and new cocktail judges. But a beautiful morning, we wake up and we realize "the day has finally come". You need an alcoholic break. Of course, you are not a hardened barfly, but this experience is worth trying. You choose two ...

This Is What Happens To Your Body After You Give Up Alcohol For 2 WeeksWe are all flagrant wine lovers and new cocktail judges. But a beautiful morning, we wake up and we realize "the day has finally come". You need an alcoholic break. Of course, you are not a hardened barfly, but this experience is worth trying. You choose two nights that you have designated as "without buzz-free" and that you will become at the center of attention like the most alcohol-free woman for the next two weeks. Before starting your "dry" period, take note of these 10 absolutely incredible advantages that you realize by taking a sober lifestyle.

You will be:

  • Hangover

1 Be hangover freeIt's probably the # 1 bonus of detox alcohol. Just imagine that you will forget the hangover and not for a few days, but for a long enough time. As a temporary drinker of "glass", we do not realize that every morning begins with a little hangover, even if we do not feel it (because we know what the heavy weight means). Skip your desire for alcohol You will open your body and mental capabilities in a way you have never imagined. I swear you will be surprised to know how much you missed.

  • Sleep better

2 Sleep betterI know how much you want to say goodbye to nightmares that come to you every night. You also dream of getting rid of all these handy thoughts that always appear after your evening mercot glass. First, replace the alcoholic drink with a cup of chamomile tea will work wonders and bring your reflection processes to a new level of clarity. If you get together and you do not abandon before the 2 weeks are lifted, you will see the results soon. Your mind will be used to working without any kind of stimulation of alcohol. Your sober brain will simply reject all these nightmare thoughts and let you sleep calmly.

  • See your recovery skin

3 See your skin recoveringThe first thing you will notice is the bags under your eyes simply disappear during the first week or even less. Going without alcohol will help your skin recover from dehydration that goes hand in hand with alcohol consumption. Your skin will become healthy healthy (no watching look) and its texture will be straightened. The number of black heads will begin to disappear without the help of expensive cosmetologists and moisturizers. Your body will absorb more vitamin A growing cell rolling. This will make your skin shiny and fresh without additional beauty treatments. P.S. The money savings of the many facial treats will be sufficient to buy a new pair of shoes.

  • Feel that your Golds are bursting

4 Feel your tastebuds flare upYou will be surprised by the dramatic improvement of your taste buds. Simple snacks you could not stand for several days earlier, become much more tasty. You will not beat yourself with the desired fast food because you will be happy with ordinary foods like fruits, vegetables and fish. You can not even imagine how much food tastes can be full and charming when toxins do not interfere with the taste of food. Alcohol changes how our taste buds perceive food flavors. Rediscover the food you really do, but think you have not done!

  • To keep fit

5 Stay fitAlcohol contributes to weight gain. It reduces the metabolic rate of your body. With alcohol always present, your body is very busy. The body does not move properly to break and use the greases and sugars and, therefore, these unburned and unused materials turn into your "high muffin" a.k.a. FAT. Let's call on what it is: big! In addition, alcoholic drinks contain as many calories as a piece of your favorite brownie dessert. Observation of the abstinence of alcohol You will go more often for a morning jog and it will also be much easier for you.

  • Rely

6 Become groundedYour emotions will move from the marasm. You will finally have the chance to get out of the vicious circle of your old endless dramas. You will become less aggressive and not as detached as you were with alcohol. You will know out of bed and will be ready to cope with the new day and new opportunities. You will discover the new standard of an emotional state stable and less conflictual.Moreover you prepare for the many compliments. Your friends, your colleagues and your strangers will start telling you how chic you look. What can improve your mood better than knowing that you are the "softest girl, the cutest and the most adorable on the planet?!

  • Brilliance

7 Burst of energyThe third day of your liquor jumping experience, you will have renewed energy and vitality. It will be said that your internal resources will have received a second chance. You will not have to fight to overcome the ravages of what you have done for yourself the previous night. You will be full of enthusiasm, etc. You will be full of enthusiasm to create new projects, to meet new people, to plan new trips instead of dreaming of the end of the work day of Het.

  • Get more intelligent

8 Become smarterThis "misty" feeling used will be slowly but surely. Your brain will heal, you find yourself lucid and full of new ideas. Do ideas. The level of your creativity will have no borders. You will be able to perform tasks much faster and efficiently. Greater lucidity leads to a faster language - even your jokes improve! The non-alcoholic period will help you improve your memory and even allows you to recognize some useful details and skills of the past. You manage all your infinite delays and daily tasks. It sounds good, is not it?

  • Get rid of small endless diseases

9 Get rid of endless petty diseasesAlcohol reduces your immunity to a crowd of common diseases. Alcohol steals your body from the necessary nutrients by thus preventing the absorption of vitamin. This may also be the reason for your frequent visits to your dentist and your therapist. Your old head of "Wednesday Margarita" and harm to the belly will be a thing of the past.

  • Have a better sex

10 Have better sex
Your intimate life will change surprisingly for the better. Alcohol improves your libido, but it reduces your ability to act. Thanks to the clear mind and the receptors, you will become more sensual. Every aspect of your love life will become deeper and stronger. You will be ready to give life to your fantasies to experiment with something you did only dream and try something new. You will be just in a good mood for that. EVERYDAY. Without alcohol in your blood, you will be more passionate than ever.

You may see that the two weeks of alcohol turn into two months and two years and two decades. If you are a drinker who has two or three drinks every day, you overload your system and causing undue stress both mental and physical. Talk to a doctor about it if you wish. Drinking is a nice pursuit but if it's a habit, you may want to stop drinking for a while or for a moment longer.

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