This is how your stomach reacts when you eat at McDonald's ... it's worse than you thought

Think about the McDonald menu and your mouth starts with water. Crunchy, hot bread, juicy beef, spicy mustard ... Yes, you want a bite right now, but stop! First of all, you should know the whole truth. What happens to your stomach and body after ...

burger-shmurgerThink about the McDonald menu and your mouth starts with water. Crunchy, hot bread, juicy beef, spicy mustard ... Yes, you want a bite right now, but stop! First of all, you should know the whole truth. What happens to your stomach and body after eating it for so long? Is McDonald just about tasty fast food or is it a slow killer? No exaggeration! Just facts. You deserve to know what you eat. So, put this delicious cheeseburger from a minute and learn what happens to your body when you eat at McDonald.

1. Many calories misdeeds the digestive system1. A Lot of Calories Harm Digestive SystemThis is not a secret for anyone that McDonald's food is far from being sales and nutritious. It contains a lot of carbohydrates that causes calorie accumulation. Eating fast restaurants regularly leads to obesity, but that's not the point. You can say - "I'll go to gym and burn calories". But always prejudice to the digestive system is inevitable. Your pancreas and your liver work hard to treat all carbohydrates, which can possibly cause digestive dysfunctions. In addition, the extra calories of fast foods are not used to release energy and accumulate in the body, which makes your size extended.

2. Increased sugar leads to diabetes2. Increased Sugar Leads to DiabetesDid you know that at McDonald's, they added artificial sweeteners to food and especially their drinks? This can lead to the beginning of type 2 diabetes even if your pancreas resists sugar overloads, sweet food leads to weight gain that is one of the risk factors for diabetes.

Trans greases cause heart diseaseTrans Fats Cause Heart DiseasesTrans fats in fast restoration increase cholesterol in your body.
McDonald's food is fried with oil. Yes, this is how your favorite fries are made. But you must know that the oil paired with hydrogen produces trans fats, which are considered the most deadly substance. Trans greases collect cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association warns that Trans grease will increase the risk of a heart attack and a stroke.

3. High sodium food is bad for kidneys3. Food High in Sodium is Bad for KidneysMalbouffe usually contains a lot of sodium or salt because we commonly call it. Sodium is harmful because it keeps water and leads to pockets. Your kidneys are starting to work hard to remove it from your body. Your heart also contributes to the process; Therefore, your blood pressure increases. Sodium overdose in your body can possibly cause kidney stones, kidney disease and what is more - cancer of the stomach.

4. Spicy food causes stomach diseases and high blood pressure4. Spicy Food Causes Stomach Diseases and High Blood PressureThe fast food is finished with spicy sauces, ketchup, mustard and other delicious sauces, but ... spicy food increases your blood pressure and leads to hypertension. Scientists believe that hot and spicy foods have adverse effects on the digestive tract. It increases the amount of gastric acid that can possibly lead to an ulcer.

5. FAST FOOD affects the nervous system5. Fast Food Affects Nervous SystemInvestigations have proven that people who eat rapid restoration are 51% more likely to suffer from depression. And it's not surprising. Remember how do you feel after eating a fresh salad? Light and airy, although full of energy. And how about hamburger, especially in the afternoon? You will feel cumbersome bloated and unable to sleep. Eating Fast Food also causes problems such as headaches and acne. You know how difficult it is to be happy if you do not look like and you feel good.

Now that you know the harmful effects of McDonald's food on your body, you are ready to see the video that proves everything. This is worth a thousand words. You will be amazed to see the interior view how your stomach and how your body reacts to a McDonald's meal:

Categories: Food&Travel
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