Looking for perfect flat belly

If you are not among lucky girls who can eat a lot and you do not have any weight and you have trouble finding the way to lose fat quickly and keep it. The most problematic area for each girl is belly. This...

In Search Of The Perfect Flat BellyIf you are not among lucky girls who can eat a lot and you do not have any weight and you have trouble finding the way to lose fat quickly and keep it. The most problematic area for each girl is belly. This happens because genetically our body generates fat to protect the most vulnerable part of the woman's body - reproductive organs. There is no "magic pill" or "escape" that will help you get rid of excess fat in a few days. Having a perfect body requires a lot of exercises, diet, sleeping and stress without stress! Yes, stress is the main guilty of belly fat. Due to stress, the level of cortisol accumulates and it is when we earn fat in our median; It's not necessarily to eat too much. Discuss the best exercises that will help you reduce belly fat and win six ABS packs the fastest possible solution. The problem is that exercise in the regular way or spending hours on cardiovascular machines helps you only muscles under the grease layer. It will not make you happy, right? The exercises we offer fat burns and help you create strong muscles. The precise exercise complex is essential in your trip to lean, tonic abs.

The plankThe board
Why:The board is one of the most popular and efficient exercises for ABS from all over the world. The board makes the work not only with the abdominal muscles and the shoulder belt, but all the muscles of the body.

This is one of the few exercises that will allow you to get rid of grease on the bottom of the abdomen.
The boards are static exercises. There are no movements in, so the most important thing here - is to keep the body in the right position.

How? 'Or' What:The body must form a straight line from the top of the head to the head. Count only on forearms and toes to support your body above the ground. The elbows are directly under the shoulders. Keep the body as straight as possible and tighten your abdominal muscles, do not relax. Be careful not to bend the hips on the ground.

1 foot. Put them together: keep your balance will be difficult, which increases the load on the abdominal muscles.

2. Legs. Be right and tight, otherwise the load on the right abdominal muscles, holding the lumbar will also be reduced.

3. Buttocks. Skate these rolls. Keep pressure until the end of the exercise. The relaxation of glutaux muscles increases the work of the basic muscles.

4. Lower back. The most difficult time! If this is done correctly, the lumbar column should be flat. Do not rond and do not fold the lower back.

5. Belly. Pull and try shooting on the ribs. Throughout the exercise, keep the stomach in this position, but do not hold your breath.

6. Elbows. In order not to create unnecessary loads on the shoulders, place your elbows directly under the shoulder joints.

Side plankSide board
Why:This exercise is even more effective than the traditional board when you hold all your body weight on two points of contact instead of four. As a result, you get tired more to keep the balance and your abs lighter.

How? 'Or' What:Starting position: lying on your left, put your elbow just below the shoulder, straight legs. Place your right hand on your right thigh.
Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift the hips from the ground until you do the diagonal, balancing on your forearm and feet. Remember that your body should form a straight line! Stay in this position 30-45 seconds (or maximum possible time). If you can not keep the body in this position during this time, perform the exercise again up to 30 seconds. Change the sides and repeat the same steps. If you plan every day, increase the addition of 10 seconds at a time. Accept the 30-day plank challenge and in the end you can stay up to 5 minutes!

Side BendsSidewood
Why:The side curves are ideal for the development of lateral and oblique abdominal muscles. For starters, take a small dumbbell weight. Over time, increase the weight to increase the load on the muscles for a larger effect.

How? 'Or' What:Standing right. Take a dumbbell in one hand while you have the second hand holding your size. Feet placed at the width of the shoulders. Now fold slowly to the side, leaving the dumbbell you shoot. Keep your back right! Breathe when you fold. Stand for a moment and slowly come back to the initial position. Without breaks, continue the rehearsals. Then change your hand and do the same.

If you want to burn the fats of the belly, make 5 to 20 repetitions each time. If you already build muscles, only 3 sets are recommended to make 10 to 12 repetitions

Leg LiftsLeg emergence
Why:The main objective of this exercise - to train the abdominal muscles by focusing on the abdominis rectus.

The lifting legs on your back are quite useful for beginners, it's simple and will help you quickly strengthen the abdominal muscles and prepare more difficult exercises.
How? 'Or' What:Lie on the back, put your hands along the body or on the head, so you feel comfortable. Lift your legs at the vertical position and while lifting breathing. Then lower the legs on the floor and remove it immediately. A more sophisticated level - hold the legs in the air, do not touch the ground and lift it.

An important detail - while lifting your legs, also try to lift your buttocks on the ground, it is important to allow the abdominal muscles.

Cycling CrunchesBike crunches
Why:Cycling according to experts are the easiest and most effective crises to win tight ABS. During exercise, all groups of abdominal muscles work, in particular - lower and lateral muscles. The hip muscles, the flexors and the knee extensors tend a little less. So, that prevents you from undergoing a knee injury.

How? 'Or' What:Lie on the back, put your hands behind your head. Then raise the right leg, the perpendiclalar thighs, the calves parallel to the ground, relieve the shoulder blades. Connect the left elbow to the right knee. At the same time, reinforce your left leg. Do the same thing with your other leg, do the right elbow touch the left knee, straighten the right leg. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times. Gradually increase the load.

Reverse CrunchesReverse crunches
Why:The opposite crosses refer to the basic exercises to develop the muscles of the abdomen. Your group of abdominal muscles will be involved in this exercise, but especially the low segment.

How? 'Or' What:Lie on the back and stretch your arms on your side. Fold your knees and lift your hips until they arrive at the position perpendicular to the ground. Take a breath and hold it; Suffer your abdominals, pull your knees to your chest. Knees must be as close to the chest as possible and the hips must be completely high from the ground.

Try not to straighten the legs in torsor, otherwise it will be very difficult to resist the temptation to help you complete a repetition of the force of the leg muscles.
You can place your hands on the floor to help you move the hips from the ground.
It is recommended to make 2 sets with 10-12 repetitions, but if it is too difficult for you, start with a smaller amount and increase it every day.

Superman ExrciseExercise of Superman
Why:This exercise works well for all abdominal muscles, the more you stretch your spine to improve posture.

How? 'Or' What:Lie in front of the front, straighten your arms in front of you. This is the starting position. Refirmer, simultaneously lift your arms, legs and chest, try to tire the lower back and abs as much as you can. Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds. You feel like the flying superman. Breathe, lower at the starting position slowly. Rest for 20 seconds and start again. Make at least 4 repetitions.

Variations: You can perform this exercise, raise an arm and leg at a time. Simply lift the left leg, arm and side of the chest, then repeat it on the right side.

Side CrunchesSide crunches
Why:Side Crunches - An exercise that focuses on the obliques and intercostal muscles extremely difficult to reach. In addition, this type of activity is very flexible. You are able to make lateral cracks either on the ground or on the bench for hyperextension, a Roman chair or a fitball. The difference is the ability to increase the moving range. In addition, you can add more weight.

How? 'Or' What:You have slept on your right side, bend your knees so that your thighs are perpendicular to the body. Place your left hand behind your head and your right hand is located along the trunk or on the left side (as you can feel the obliques that will work).

From the starting position, force the oblique, when you exhale, tear your torso on the floor, mentally trying to reach a hip elbow. At the point of the maximum elevator, completely exhaling, pause for a second and slowly returns to the original position while breathing. Barely touch the ground, make the next exercise again. After completing the required number of repetitions on one side, do the same way for the opposite side.

Hula HoopHula hoop
The last but certainly not the least. Hula hooping every day for 30 minutes or more will eliminate your love handles in a few weeks! Hula Hoop is your way to lean belly.
It is best to hula hoop on an empty stomach. The process will go much faster if you do the pre-breath exercises. Inspire the air deeply through the nose. Your mouth must be closed. And exhale through the mouth. Repeat exercise 3 - 4 times.

While performing feet must be kept together. The movement should be smooth and rhythmic. The process should involve the size, do not try to help you with the chest or hips. The only way to get rid of belly fat is to go to Hula Hoop only with your size.

Finally, be aware that these exercises are effective if you give them a try and that you are coherent. Your diet is important too. The morning and the midday should be filled with "good" carbohydrates that give you energy for your workouts and your daily routine like oats and buckwheat (the latter of the most vis-à- grains United States screws and real power food). Eat these good carbohydrates until 3 pm, then start eating protein protein, chicken breast with fresh vegetables like salad. Try to eat 3 small carbohydrate meals a day and 3 protein meals a day and look at the grease disappearing and increased energy.

Categories: Beauty
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