10 reasons to do plank exercises

The board may seem like a very simple exercise. But if you know, try it before, you probably did not feel the real power. There are many benefits for this type of exercise that will help you get and maintain a ...

10 Reasons To Do Plank ExercisesThe board may seem like a very simple exercise. But if you know, try it before, you probably did not feel the real power. There are many benefits for this type of exercise that will help you get and maintain an impressive shape. Check the main guides on how to perform a board correctly. Here are some inspiring reasons to add boards to your training routine.

1) Simple and static.
Learn the appropriate position of the board is simple and you do not need to remember how to repeat difficult movements. You can make a board at home without visiting a gym.
First of all, it implies maintaining a difficult position in which your body weight is maintained by the hands (or forearms), elbows and toes for a certain period.
Let's start with the basic technique. From a push-up position. Get your feet together. Now bend your elbows and transfer your weight on your forearms instead of your hands. Your elbows should be under your shoulders. The most important thing here is to keep your body straight, claiming to pretend that your body is a single rigid board from top to bottom. Contract your ABS, keep your body flat for 30 seconds. If you want to feel amazing results, do not forget to practice boards more and more of the duration beyond the initial interval of 30 seconds.

2) Easy to edit.
The boards are not boring! There are some variants of a board that influence different muscles of your body. You can try a lateral board, a push-up board, a paw board and those with a cardio element. The push-up board looks like this: Start in a push-up position, your arms must be straight. You do not need to bend them now. Just adjust your right body and hold in this position up to a minute. To increase the intensity of the board, lift one leg of a few centimeters on the floor. Now, the cardio element: make 10 elevators, then change your legs. You will get even more benefits from this type of board.

3) There is no special equipment required.
But you can use different variations thereof to make exercise even more difficult and therefore more efficient. For an advanced exercise, you can perform boards using the stability ball. This requires holding a balance while doing an exercise. This exercise is more difficult than you think, but the results are fast and nothing less spectacular. Start with your belly on the ball; Roll the ball forward until you find yourself with the ball supporting your tibias and your hands that support your top of the body. Your shoulders must be stacked directly above your elbows. Contract your ABS and try to hold for 5 seconds.

4) The boards burn more calories.
Yes, the boards help not only strengthen and stabilize the basic muscles, they also use major muscle groups in the legs, arms and slips. Make planks will help you burn more calories than sit-ups or crunches. If you like total hardcore training with a maximum calorie burn, do advanced plank exercises, each for 30 seconds (up to 1 minute), and then repeat it as a set of ten or twelve representatives.

5) The boards increase your flexibility in your body.
They are just a great way to extend the back of the body and legs. By exercising, you stretch the arches of your feet and your ischio-ham that form the back of your thighs. Side boards help expand your sides. So, you get a stretch and strength formation in one. It's a great ultimate tensioner for your body!

6) Planks enhance your balance and sports performance.
Make planks, you test your balance and improve it too. If you want to work more on your balance performance, you should certainly practice side planks or boards on a stability ball. Yes, they constitute a real challenge for inexperienced girls, but with regular training sessions, you will get incredible results.
The planks practiced develop the strength of your muscles of the mid-corber, the top of the body and the basin increase your sports performance and your general well-being.

7) Flat stomach.
Every girl wants it. And you can have it, because the boards completely work all the muscles of your heart; This includes your six-pack muscles, transverse abdominis, internal and external obliques, back and hips. Know that well-trained basic muscles help facilitate pain and aid balance.

8) Good posture, strong back.
Training the basic muscles helps a good posture and helps prevent the degenerative disk disease, one of the most common back problems. Perform planks properly and with an appropriate repetition will create assistance at your back of the back when you learn how to engage your abdominals. You get rid of pain in the shoulders and between the shoulder blades, which occurs due to transport bags or a prolonged session.

9) Sure exercise.
The boards are not a dangerous exercise, but you should always be sure you do it well. About, many athletes who train for the distance race or triathlons prevent the risk of overuse injury by adding the board to their exercise program.

10) Raised, perfect slips, firm arms and legs.
Your slips and leg muscles will work very much with the classic style board. If you want a faster result, boards with leg elevators. It is also the ideal way to reduce cellulite. It is difficult to believe that the pumping board the biceps and the triceps at the same time, it is the best way to reach toning and formal weapons.

What are you waiting for? Start your plank exercise program now!

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