The big dress debate 2015 rage on

End of winter 2015 - Friday, February 27 to be exact - will never be forgotten in our planet Earth. The whole band was Abuzz about "The dress" - was it blue / black or white / gold or some minority views also has an olive-green / purple blue surface. Then...

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On

End of winter 2015 - Friday, February 27 to be exact - will never be forgotten in our planet Earth. The whole band was Abuzz about "The dress" - was it blue / black or white / gold or some minority views also has an olive-green / purple blue surface. And then the theories on a satanic intervention were there to confuse us and conflict all of us diabolics. It's like a new Turin shroud!

I will come clean and tell you that I am one of the "blue / black" camp. I swear that I still can not imagine how it could be white / gold in color. By the way, the Herbeauty team is also divided and we could not come at the end of the day. He was completely searched among the members of the team with all we trying to understand what seemed to be a simple choice, but which turned out to be a phenomenon in flexion of the spirit that consumed all the net. The fact that only one image of "the dress" can polarize people and divide our office into two aggressive business camps did not allow us to let work in a peaceful and harmonious mood enter the weekend. Here are the main facts and theories about the "dress" that can hope to help us all sleep this weekend.

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On1. 'wow wow wow'
The story that lit internet started with a user of Tumblr 'Swiked' who had downloaded this crazy image with a legend to help her determine the color of the dress because her friends could not accept at all. Bully to inflate you! Maybe a case where people swivel are blind of color? It's my moment of smiling to launch the following lucid analytics points.

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On2. The theory of primal biology and physics
The way a person interprets the dress has to do with a wide range of physiological factors.

Such as:

Different interpretations of the way the scene was illuminated:
The way our brain perceives lighting in the room where the dress was shown:
The personal / individual psychological framework: How does your brain treat the image - based on your mood, your fatigue factor for Friday afternoons and even the food and drinks that have been taken by the particular individual - Too many brains and bags of Cheetos during work the day can make you see things; I like to have a blow of acid these cheetos!

To make a long history, our brains can act as a filter, promote some colors and update others. It becomes scientific and complicated people! Can it be that our brain functions like a cache and chooses the color in the least populated part of the cache. That's why our perception differs.

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On3. Scientific theory
The number one terrifying is that even scientists are not quite sure of the color of the dress. But nevertheless, science must weigh on this issue ...

According to Isaac Newton's theory of light, the color is not inherent to an object. " The individual perceives the colors reflected on the surface of the object through the light that strikes the retina. This means that the more the light moved through a glass (prism), the more it is distorted will become.
Jay Neitz, PhD, at the University of Washington said that color can change the way you perceive colors in this light. It was pretty much sure that the lens of our eye changes throughout our lives and that it becomes less sensitive over the years. But this argument is not as relevant because most debates on the color of the dress occur among people of the same basic age group. That is why, after seeing the statistics on color perception, it seemed that he was unable to explain exactly what was happening with this shivering phenomenon of the spine.
The neuroscientist Bevil Conway of Wellesley College explained in this way: "People reduce the blue side, in which case they end up seeing white and gold, or to thank the side of the gold, in which case they find themselves with blue And black. '

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On4. That's what "gone viral" really means
470 million articles on the color change dress have been posted for a period of 24 hours.

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On5. Netizens debates
Instagram, Tumblr and FB users have been totally crazy disrupting the color of the dress. They have already created the new range of MEMS, funny phrases, messaging, etc.
You can find them all with the following hashtags:

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On6. Hollywood guys also panic
Celebrities could not remain indifferent to this hysteria. May God bless you Justin Bieber for your opinion "Black and Blue"!

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On7. Vote of Dresizes
The dress debate has passed deep enough on the net. All over the world, a multitude of sites have spent a huge amount of content to discussion, local media, social media and office opinion polls were everywhere. The latest results are:

White and Gold - 72%
Blue and Black - 28%

The 2015 Great Dress Debate Rages On8. What is a real color?
Meanwhile, the original model of the mysterious dress that caused so many Fuses is revealed. In reality, it's a black and blue article of a store called "Romain". I think now we can call it the "royal dress" lol. Even Kate Middleton's wedding dress did not create such a global chaos that this innocent multicolored dress.

Gideon Lichfield at in their editing of Saturday was best summary:

"The dress was just an optical illusion. It has become#The dressbecauseEveryone could see himand wanted to knowWhat other people saw, and could discover and say instantly. While websites have lived to take advantage of their curiosity (andSome have succeeded enormously), they just rolled the wave. The wave itself was hundreds of millions of moments of direct and unmessive communication, the gross collective power of a society that is spoken - internet as an ultimate public place. "

Share your color idea with the Herbeauty team.

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