The most emblematic TV couples

Brenda & Dylan (Beverley Hills, 90210) Rebellious teenage relationships. Do you remember you at 16? When you have met your dream person for the first time, your first love. When you started going out with almost immediately and love was a pure chemistry for you. It was new, intense and frankly ...

Brenda and Dylan (Beerly Hills, 90210) - The Most Iconic TV Couples Brenda Dylan (Beverly Hills, 90210)
Rebellious teenage relationships. Do you remember you at 16? When you have met your dream person for the first time, your first love. When you started going out with almost immediately and love was a pure chemistry for you. It was new, intense and frankly a sense of ackward for you. And a kiss meant more than sex. So, Brenda and Dylan are a brilliant example of such a couple. Their love story is furious, passionate and rebacing.

David and Maddy (detective agencie Moonlight) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesDavid Maddy (Detective Moonlight Agency)
Adventures and relationships. When the opposites meet, there may be a great explosion of feelings. Maddy is smart, serious, autonomous and an old chic model. David is smart, not serious, charismatic and a fun magnet detective. They are completely different in their lifestyles, but they decide to handle a detective agency together. And it is the beginning of a funny, adventurous and unexpected relationship.

Dough and Carol (ER) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesDoug & Carol (ER)
Unforgettable but failed relationships. Love makes you happy, love inspires you and gives you wings. But also love hurts, and sometimes it hurts too much. Doctor Doug Ross is smart, spiritual, charming and beautiful, it's just perfect! And the world around Doug and Carol seems to be a fairy tail, but then their romance failed. And Carol made a suicide attempt ...

Blair and Chuck  (Gossip Girl) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesBlair Chuck (Gossip Girl)
We are King and Queens Relations. Chuck and Blair are both members of the rich families of the upper class. They are scattered, spoiled, selfish and proud. They both want to be on the top always and forever. It seems that their relationship will not have a happy ending, but an unfortunate event may become a divinity and a Chuck and Blair have married happy at the end.

Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesBuffy Angel (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Bangle relationships. "Do you like and you will be happy. It's as simple (and as difficult as that ") exactly! But if you like it and love you ... but you can never be together? Then it's called "Bangel"!

Penny and Leonard (TBBT) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesPenny Leonard (TBBT)
Nerd relationship and hot chick. It's a classic story of a shy, but intelligent guy and a smoke blonde smoke. Penny is a dream girl next door and Leonard is a typical nerd. But thanks to his mind, charm and beautiful shyness, he finally wins the heart of Penny.

Scully and Mulder (X-Files) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesScully & Mulder (X-Files)
Never mix business and relationship. It is clear that nothing is clear between these two. For many seasons Mulder and Scully continuously rendered the public X files await the break in their relationship. To tell the truth, it is much more interesting to observe the chemistry between Mulder and Scully than to watch the development of the initial TV-show intrigue.

Doctor and Rose (Doctor Who) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesDoctor & Rose (doctor who)
Fanficalation relationships. Each superhero needs a beautiful woman to inspire her for new acts. The doctor was broken and frightened with himself and what he could do. And when all hope seemed to be lost, he met Rose. And the powerful feeling of love inspired him to revive. The doctor came back and realized that he was still able to save the land of spatial criminals.

Dany and Drogo (Game of Thrones) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesDany Drogo (set of thrones)
Beauty and the beast relationship. Draco is a wild, powerful and dreaded wreath of 40,000 warriors. Dany is a strong young woman and incredibly beautiful. She does not want to marry her but she has no choice. At the beginning Dany is afraid of drugs, but later, she sincerely falls in love with him. She understands that behind Drogo's back, she can live as safe as behind a stone wall.

Kurt and Blane (Glee) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesKurt & Blane (Glee)
Ludical relationship. At first, Kurt and Blane were just friends, but their friendship has grown greatly. Then they decided where they wanted their relationship to be gone and becomes lovers. Then there was cheating and rupture. And along the beautiful meeting and a proposal. And all this in the best traditions of musicals Broadway!

Agent Cooper and Annie (Twin Peaks) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesAgent Cooper & Annie (Twin Peaks)
Mystique and love. When a man is ready to lose his soul to save his beloved wife, it means a lot. Far with words, because here the actions speak stronger than the words. My advice - Rewatchez this amazing television series and you will have a lot of fun.

Hannah and Adam (Girls) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesHannah & Adam (Girls)
Crazy in Love. Hanna and Adam are crazy for each other. But the thing is that they are young, talented and actually crazy. It is simply impossible for them to have a long-term and healthy relationship. All their life was an absolute disorder and they are both very defenses when it comes to their feelings. They fight all the time, but they really want to stay together. Everything is too complicated and it is impossible to predict the end of this relationship.

Marge and Homer (the Simpsons) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesMargin & Homer (Simpsons)
Do perfect relationships exist? Extreme meet, and they are home and margin. Homer is a laid and boiling man, and margin is his smoking wife. Their romance was not wonderful but it was fantastic. Homer has fallen desperately in love with margin at the first sign, but she was impregnable. She dismissed her ball invitation but ended tonight in her arms. Then she fell pregnant and Homer proposed her with an onion ring instead of the engagement that Marge immediately said "yes". And then they lived happy forever.

Ross and Rachel (Friends) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesRoss & Rachel (Friends)
For lasting relationships, marry your best friend. The best thing about Ross and Rachel is that they have finally opposed themselves. I mean, we all knew the first episode they were made for each other, but it was a continuous touch - and go for 10 whole seasons. They have always fun together as Amis, they had also been together through thick and meager and they were finally back because he was his lobster and she was his lobster.

Carrie and Big (Sex and the City) - The Most Iconic TV CouplesCarrie & Big (sex and city)
Chic relationship. These two are an absolutely fabulous couple. Carrie is so beautiful, charming, funny, elegant, elegant and terribly cute. Big is confident, rich, charismatic and simply fabulous. She broke a lot of hearts, but he is the man who broke his heart. Their relationship is so entangled and unstable, but no matter who they are with, or with, they still meet again and again.

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: Kaley Cuoco
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