How could the hand disinfecting ruin your health

Every few minutes, especially in public, people around the world are sprayed, cumshots or disinfectants in hand. But as we continue to use and possibly overuse, this essential product during these difficult times, how many do we really know about the disinfectant of the hands and its effects on our body?

With the Covid-19 pandemic, a major concern for the world, the hand disinfectant is one of the most sought-after products and used on the face of the Earth. Every few minutes, especially in public, people around the world are sprayed, cumshots or disinfectants in hand. But as we continue to use and possibly overuse, this essential product during these difficult times, how many do we really know about the disinfectant of the hands and its effects on our body? This can kill germs topically, but have any effects on your body internally? Let's explore the current collaboration of sanitation and how the hand disinfectant could actually ruin your health.

Is too much a good thing a good thing really bad for you?

Without the world, the demand for disinfecting hands increased 16 times from December 2019 to March 2020. This is due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and more people in the world wanting to kill as much as possible the spread of germs as much as possible. possible. People generally become more controversial from their personal hygiene and the proximity of the proximity of others and encourage the spread of germs. All this looks like what we are moving in the right direction, with the exception of a problem: too much good thing can really be bad for you. It is possible to abuse the disinfectant of the hands and put your health at a serious risk.

What is the serious disinfectant of the hand?

The search shows that the overuse of any skin disinfectant as a hand disinfectant can actually kill bad bacteria, as well as good bacteria. Indeed, the disinfectant of the hands can disrupt entire microbiomes and bacterial communities, which are the very defenses that prevent users from becoming sick."An aspect of usually neglected disabled disinfectants is that they can affect the microbiomes of the bodies of some respects and some of these ways could be bad"Said Microbiologist Jonathan Eisen. Without good bacteria, we need to keep a healthy protection balance, our physical systems are more sensitive to disease and infection.

So, what is the quantity of disinfecting hands should we use?

It is advisable that when it is possible, the washing of your hands is actually the best line of defense against bad germs, because it does not kill good germs of how the hand disinfectant does. The main experts say that if possible, we should not use the hand disinfectant every day. If it is not directly interacted with the public, the hand disinfectant must be the second choice after washing hands.

What happens if we use a disinfectant of the hands every day?

The overuse of hand disinfecting can create worse conditions of bacteria to the bacteria."According to the CDC, hand disinfecting with antibacterial ingredients can also contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria", "Said Expert Internal Medicine Seema Sarin. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are so dangerous because they become primarily away from the only drugs and products known to destroy it. This is not a good situation to be in, especially trying to fight against an infection.

What is even more on the detinctor of the hands is that it is not as effective as we all believe it. Although the CDC maintains that its effectiveness to kill germs, the hand disinfectant is not a capture grip for all bacteria. The lack of regulation on all companies that manufacture disinfine insurers in hand are needed. Many sanitizing products that claim to kill germs have not been evaluated by the FDA, making their products not totally trustworthy. Sources suggest that there are currently several companies that face legal actions because of fraudulent and unfounded claims on their anti-insurer products.

So, what is the quantity of disinfecting hands equivalent to a legal dose?

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