24 things you do every day that put you at risk of Covid

We asked a health expert to classify these common activities at least to the most dangerous.

Coronavirus closed the majority of the country in March and April, but from May and June, states began to end the rental andCompanies have progressed slowly to reopen. Now in August, there is not much that it can not be done, depending on your place of residence. However, safety precautions such as mandatory facial masks and social distancing regulations only work if most people follow them. And as the locking measurements have increasedCoronavirus numbers increased in several states. It seems certain that not all activitiesis Safe in the middle of coronavirus, even if you are technically authorized to do so, this can put you at risk of contracting Covid.

AsLeann Poston, MD,Certified doctor and medical advisor For the Vernigor doctor, explains everything we do in life forces us to "weigh the risks and benefits". For example, driving a car is risky, but we can minimize this risk by doing things like wearing a seat belt, after traffic rules and do not drive when we are incapable. But expect people to do not drive cars because of the risks are unrealistic, and we can "expect people to be fully seated from the exposure to Covid or any other pathogen. She said.

So during the pandemic, what risks are worth and what should you avoid at all costs? Expert Health Poston ranked 24 daily activities at least to most of the risks to help you make these choices. And for more things you should avoid, discoverYou are 5 times more likely to get coronavirus here, study.

Wash hands for less than 20 seconds.

Shot of an unrecognizable woman washing her hands in the kitchen sink

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) emphasize the importance ofHand hygiene to prevent the propagation of COVID-19, which includeswash one's hands With soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Despite these guidelines, Poston says "most people probably already already" at the time, even if they should not. And to disinfect your numbers, checkThe biggest myth of your soap by hand you can stop believing.


Shake your dirty linen.

Young woman having a laundry day

Even if the CDC advises peopledo not shake their dirty clothes By doing the laundry because it could release virus particles in the air, Stateon says it would be a "difficult way to get Covid". So, if you forget once or twice, do not stress. And to keep your clothes and your laundry, check the7 coronavirus laundry tips You must start tracking.

Take your phone in stores.

Young woman wearing protective mask on her face and reading shopping list on mobile phone in grocery store during virus pandemic.

Carol winner, MPH, Public Health Expert and FounderTo give up, says that taking your phone in a store and use it actively during your purchases resulting in a "risk of cross-contamination when setting up the house". However, Poston emphasizes that this is not necessarily the phone that is the problem, but your dirty hands. She says you should not "touch your phone unlessYou used a hand disinfectant first used. "

Sharing elements with other people who are difficult to disinfect.

Girls sharing cosmetics doing each other's makeup

The CDCWarns people not to share articles which are "difficult to clean, clean or disinfect". However, it is mainly a warning when you are with people with whom you do not live. After all, Poston says that you probably already already already "all the time with members of your household". So the risk depends onwho You share these items with, she says. And for more CDC cleaning help, see these23 CDC cleaning tips you need to follow.

Shaking someone's hand.

Closeup image of two people shaking hands

Submit someone's hand is a contact of greeting experts want people to avoid. In each of theirguided plans for places and people to avoid spreading coronavirus, the CDC says "stop the hand of the hand", and rather advises people to engage in contactless greeting methods. However, Poston says that this rank is lower on the list of at-risk activities because you could technically wash your hands immediately after and before touching your face, which would then eliminate the risk.

Hugging someone.

Granddaughter runs grandparents into a hug during the coronavirus pandemi

You must be closer to six feet to embrace someone who already provides a type of risk. Poston says if this is done safely, while wearing a mask, kiss someone may not be as risky. The worst thing you can do while giving a hug, however, breathes the face of the other person. For more information on propagation,The CDC now says it could play an "important role" in Covid transmission.

Put your goal of contact without washing your hands first.

contact lens case

You wash your hands before putting your contact lenses in A has always been an important step, because it is not the case "Increases your risk of getting all kinds of infections, not just COVID," said poston. But the CDC warns that noWash hands before being even more dangerous Now that research has found that coronavirus canEnter your body through the eyes.

Poston says that this rank is relatively weak, however, because to get Covid in this way, you should have received an object that "had enough viral particles about it that the virus was always infectious, then have enough viral particles on your Hands to get infection in your eye. "This is unlikely, but you should always handle your lenses with clean hands.

Wear the same pair of gloves while running races.

emale wearing her latex surgical gloves at home before the cleaning process

Many experts warn gloves Because they can give a false sense of security in the middle of Covid. If you wear the same pair while running several races, you can simply broadcast the coronavirus around. However, Poston simply says like the contact lens, it is a form of transmission based on objects, which is "lower than gout or aerosolized". This means that even if it can be risky, it is not as risky as other activities. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Using money instead of card payments.

Cropped shot of businessman gets money from the wallet. Purse with dollars in their hands. Businessman's hand in suit takes out dollar money from a wallet

Money is usually exchanged between many hands Every day, and it's not really something that can be cleaned. The use of your card is better because it can be disinfected between uses. Poston says that money is also a transmission based on objects, but it is a higher risk because of the amount of people who manage it.

Fit in someone else's car.

couple wearing face masks in car

Climb in someone else's car can be risky Because it's a closed space. However, you can do things to reduce the risk, says Poston. Limiting the amount of people in the car and the reduction of windows can reduce the risks, but if you increase the number of people and close the windows, the risk goes up. "For more information on the stumbling road safely, here is7 errors that you do every time you enter your car.

Take the elevator.


Lifts are small closed spacesIt could therefore be impossible to maintain a good distance of six feet from the other. It's risky, but Poston says that if everyone has a mask and no one speaks, this risk falls a little. It also encourages people to wash your hands immediately after getting down an elevator, especially if they touch a button or balustrade.

Go to a public pool.


The CDC says there isno evidence that coronavirus can be transmitted through the water. However,Public pools can be dangerous Because they tend to be cluttered (especially with younger children), it's hard to keep a distance and not touching things that others already have. Poston says that if you visit a public pool this summer, make sure it is outside and keep your hands, keep your hands on your face and use a hand disinfectant before eating anything.

Do not wear mask in public.

closeup of hand holding medical mask while walking in park amid coronavirus pandemi

Of course, do not wear mask in public is not advised and risky, but more for others than for you, explains Poston. After all, it is currently believed thatMasks protect other people from your respiratory particlesMore than it makes you other people - unless they wear a mask, too. So, you "wear a mask to protect others," says Poston, but your personal risk increases if other people do not do the same for you.

Go outside when you feel sick.

woman worry and fear Female friend cough in medical mask outdoor. keep distance. Stop corona virus.

Exit in public while you feel sick, is also more dangerous for other people, says Poston, that's why he does not rank higher. However, if you are sick with something other than Covid, it could endanger you because yourThe immune system can be too overloaded To fight the coronavirus if you are infected. This is one of the reasons for CDC listsPeople with medical problems underlying high risk For severe infection and disease.

Talk to someone when standing directly in front of them.


Talk face to face is risky Because you put yourself in the direct line of everything that comes out of the other person's mouth when they speak, which could include infected virus particles. But you are only at risk of infection ifthey have coronavirus, Poston says. Seeing likeAsymptomatic people wear the virus, Prevention is better than cure.

Wear your face mask again without washing

white hand putting three cloth face masks into washing machine

The CDC says you shouldWash the mask of your face afterall use. According to Poston, a number of "viruses, bacteria and mushrooms" can be on the mask after wearing it - and this includes coronaviruses. The last thing you want to do is put it back on your face, she says.

Get a haircut.

Barber with face mask combing customer’s beard

You may want a haircut after quarantine months, but expertsCAUTION against taking this jump. After all, you are in direct contact with another person for a prolonged period. However, Poston says that this risky activity can be made safer thanks to protective equipment. The CDC has recently reported thatTwo positive hairdressers of Covid-19 Served nearly 140 customers with each other, but none of the customers have been positive for the virus after. Why?Everyone wore masks.

Traveling by bus.

young black woman with a face mask on a bus

Public transport via a bus are not really all these, especially if the windows are closed, according to Poston. The buses tend to be small, compact modes of travel with little or no space to spread. The CDC says it will usually force you to be "sitting or standing at less than six feet more"For prolonged period, which is not recommended.

Travel by plane.

man wears a medical mask and wipes his hands with disinfectant

It's actually not so likely for theCoronavirus to travel far on a flight Because "ventilation tends to be better than most interior spaces," says Poston. However, it is in contact with other risky people. Aerial travel requires "spending time in airport lines and airport terminals," said CDC, which can contact you close with other people andpossibly contaminated surfaces. Not to mention, if the plane is crowded, you may be sitting at less than six feet from someone for a prolonged period.

Go to a movie in a theater.

Girl wearing mask in movie theater seat

Movies usually run about two hours, and it's long to be in an interior space with other people. However, Poston says it could be made safer by social distance through limited seats and not to mention. However, theThe safest choice by far would be a workout movie In your own car with people of your own household, she says.

Work in a gym.

man and woman use treadmills at a gym with masks on

Poston says you should "exercise outdoors as far as possible".Janette Nesheiwat, MD, medical medicine and emergency doctor, explained earlier toBetter lifethat gymnasiums are particularly risky because "you arebreathe heavy and more likely to spread the virus, which aerosolizes in the air independently of the limited capacity. "

Assist or organize a family or friend gathering inside.

Birthday party in the pandemic. Stay home from quarantine

It is not uncommon to miss your loved ones, especially if you have not seen them for some time because of the pandemic. But if you participate or welcome a gathering, avoid doing it inside. The CDC recommends stronglyAll gatherings take place outside, if possible. Otherwise, the agency advises "[making] the room or space is well ventilated." Poston says that making these ranks slightly lower than other activities, only because people may tend to adopt more security measures for their loved ones.

Stay in any interior public space for a long time.

Woman shopping protecting herself wearing protective mask

You name it: a restaurant, a wedding or even a small store with long lines. Being in a poorly ventilated interior space with other people is dangerous, says Poston. In fact, a study of Japan found that people were 19 timesmore likely to contract the coronavirus inside what they were outside.

Go to an interior bar.

people cheering with beer in bar with illness prevention protection measures are taken

Most experts are agreeing to a foot bar is perhapsthe The most risky thing you can do during the CVIV-19 pandemic. In fact, one of the best medical advisers in the country,Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that going to the bars right now is "really not good" and evenencouraged states to close the bars again. According to Poston, the reason why the interior bars are so dangerous right now are because they are "poorly ventilated, inside and overcrowded". She also says that it is "impossible to wear a mask" while you drink and that alcohol can help reduce the inhibitions that can bring people to "speak loudly or scream", expel the virus.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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Tags: Coronavirus
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