The only dietitian can not recommend sufficiently

There are countless healthy foods, but this one encompasses the list because it is versatile, tastes well and is widely accessible.

Finding a food that offers advantages of major health, is accessible and, above all, tastes is sometimes easier than to do. And as a registered dietitian,I have a list of foods that check the three boxes. And among my briefs list, the only food that ends is the humble strawberry.

Although there are other foods that pack a punch in the nutrition service, few people are also versatile and accepted as this juicy red berries loved by many. And if a food does not taste good, why the trouble to eat it - am I right!?

Why are strawberries the only food that this dietitian can not recommend enough? Read more about some of the benefits of major health that this small red center offers. And for more, discoverWhat happens to your body when you eat strawberries.

Strawberries can support a healthy immune system

woman getting over a cold

These days, people are focused on the support of their immune health more than ever, thanks to a global pandemic that has made the world stopped.

Since a cup of strawberries aAll vitamin C needed a day, Beginning of your morning with a perfect strawberry or strawberry can help start your day with immunity.

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Strawberries are ideal for digestive health

happy woman hands on belly

The natural fiber found in strawberries can support intestinal health - which is both related to your immune system and your digestive health. Since70% of our immune system is in our intestine, Keep your fiber consumption up to the measurement can help control your immune system. A cup of strawberries almost contains3 grams of fibers-Ver 10% of the daily requirements of most people! For more, do not miss20 different ways of eating 28 grams of fiber a day.

Strawberries are a fruit for diabetes

diabetes diabetic diet foods

Although fruits contain natural sugar, it is not necessary to give up beloved fruits when managing diabetes according to theAmerican Association of Diabetes. And among fruit choices, strawberries are an excellent option for those who manage their blood sugars for many reasons.

Strawberries contain a natural compound calledanthocyanine-that canReducing risk factors for type 2 diabetes, including inflammation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance.

In addition, when strawberries can help reduce blood glucose and inflammation of blood glucose, especially when consumed within 2 hours of a meal, depending on the data published inNutrients.

For those who want something soft but manage their sugar intake, leaning on strawberries to satisfy a sweet tooth, it is logical because a portion has less sugar than and the apple and half of the calories of a banana, while being packed withAntioxidants, vitamins and fibers.

Strawberries can help support brain health

older mature happy couple at table eating drinking

Believe it or not, but enjoy sweet strawberries can help you stay alive. According to the results of a study published in theAnnals of neurology, Eating strawberries more than twice a week seems to delay cognitive aging up to 2.5 years.

And thanks to natural factors such as vitamin C, anthocyanidines and total flavonoids, eating strawberries canreduce the risk Alzheimer's disease and related dementia.

Strawberries - the only food that this dietitian can not have enough

strawberries cut in half in a bowl

When you search for a food that can raise the taste of many dishes while giving your body a nutritional boost at a time, you do not need to look further than this pint of strawberries in your local grocery store. Whether you enjoy fresh strawberries soaked in chocolate, strawberries sliced ​​in a spinach salad or frozen strawberries mixed with your favorite smoothie, enjoying these magnificent juicy red berries can be one of the best things you can do for Support your overall health in an absolute way satisfactory. For some smoothie ideas, check these50+ Best Breakfast Smoothies for Weight Loss.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: fruit / Health Tips / tips
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