Wenn Sie Rezepte bei CVS ausfüllen, bereiten Sie sich auf diese große Änderung ab morgen vor

Es kann Sie betreffen, wenn Sie bestimmte gemeinsame Medikamente einnehmen.

Many of us rely on Verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente to treat our various conditions, whether that's daily medicine for hoher Blutdruck or to control cholesterol, or an antibiotic to knock out an infection. When you head to your local pharmacy, you trust that you can get the treatment you need as prescribed by your doctor, but that's not always the case. In fact, CVS—one of the largest pharmacies in the U.S.—just announced a major change that will affect a number of common prescriptions. Read on to find out what they will no longer do, starting May 26.

READ THIS NEXT: Major Pharmacies Are Blocking This Common Daily Medication.

During the pandemic, many people relied on telehealth.

woman on telehealth appointment with doctor
FatCamera / iStock

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers were largely forced to pivot to telehealth, treating patients virtually rather than in person. While telehealth was not a new practice, it represented less than 1 percent of outpatient visits before the pandemic, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). With the introduction of quarantine and stay-at-home orders, however, the practice became invaluable.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

There are a number of benefits to telemedicine, which increases access to care and eliminates travel to and from doctors' offices, but the practice has also introduced concerns about prescriptions of certain medications. Cerebral Inc. and Done Health are two telehealth startups that took off during the pandemic by offering virtual diagnoses and treatments, but now there are growing concerns about how some medications are prescribed.

CVS said it won't fill certain prescriptions from Cerebral and Done.

prescription pill bottles
stevecoleimages / iStock

On May 25, CVS confirmed that it would no longer fill prescriptions for controlled substances prescribed by doctors working for Cerebral and Done. According to a statement from CVS to Das Wall Street Journal, the change will go into effect on Thursday, May 26, and will affect thousands of patients who use these services.

The decision was made following a review of the two companies, which evaluated the prescription of controlled substances, following concerns that too many stimulant prescriptions were being doled out.

In a previous statement to Das Wall Street Journal, Cerebral stated that it was "doing everything possible to ensure these patients get access to medications that their healthcare providers have determined they need," also noting that CVS' decision was unfortunate.

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The prescribing of controlled substances by these companies has been questioned before.

doctor writing prescription virtually
Peopleimages / iStock

Cerebral and Done have both faced backlash for their prescribing of Adderall to patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and for a controversial marketing campaign that was said to "oversimplify" an ADHD diagnosis, per Insider.

Adderall is an amphetamine, defined as a schedule II substance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to its "high potential for abuse." While still permitted for medical use, the agency recommends treatments like Adderall be "prescribed or dispensed sparingly." Prior to the pandemic, stimulants could not be prescribed without an in-person visit, but restrictions for schedule II substances were eased when COVID hit, allowing doctors to prescribe remotely.

Im April,Das Wall Street Journal reported that Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens had blocked or delayed stimulant prescriptions from these telehealth providers, due to concerns about the amount being written for patients with ADHD. A month prior, the outlet also reported that employees felt clinicians were often pressured to prescribe stimulants. Both Cerebral and Done denied these claims and said they provide "an essential service in the U.S.," as demand for mental health treatments does not match supply. Some of these employees also said they didn't feel that the initial 30-minute video evaluations were long enough to properly diagnose a condition like ADHD.

Cerebral has initiated changes, but could face more serious consequences.

person handing prescription to pharmacist
Shutterstock/Atstock Productions

Starting May 9, Cerebral paused prescriptions of controlled substances like Adderall and Ritalin as an ADHD treatment for new patients. This followed an announcement from the company's preferred online pharmacy, Truepill, which said it would temporarily stop filling prescriptions for Adderall and other schedule II controlled substances for ADHD, Das Wall Street Journalreported.

On May 17, Cerebral announced that it would halt the prescription of Fast alle kontrollierten Substanzen , wie Adderall und Ritalin. Nur zwei Tage später, am 19. Mai, wurde von Cerebral's Board eine Abstimmung durchgeführt, um seinen CEO zu ersetzen. Kyle Robertson .

Dies ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs für Cerebral, wie es das Unternehmen auch ist untersucht vom US -Justizministerium (DOJ) für seine verschreibungspflichtigen Praktiken nach dem Verge.

Lesen Sie dies als nächstes: Lebensläufe sind unter Beschuss, weil sie sich geweigert haben, Käufer dies tun zu lassen .

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