Die gefährlichsten Pflanzen, die Sie in Ihrem Haus behalten können

Einer von ihnen tarniert als Babyspinat.

If there's one foolproof way to add joy, color, and liveliness to your home, it's by decorating with plants. Depending on your space, you can include hanging plants on windowsills, climbing plants on shelves, or tree-sized plants in an unused corner. If you take care of them well, these little lives will flourish and provide unmeasurable ambiance. However, if you chose the wrong ones, that plan could backfire. EntsprechendKelly Johnson-Arbor, MD, medical toxicologist and co-medical director of the National Capital Poison Center (NCPC), up to 10 percent of calls to poison centers involve human exposure to plants. Read on to discover what the most dangerous houseplants are to keep in your house.

READ THIS NEXT: 5 Easy Hacks to Save Your House Plants That Gardeners Swear By.


Oleander terrifying plants
Shutterstock/Julian Popov

Dasflowering houseplant is attractive for its beautiful blooms and low-maintenance nature—simply park it in front of a sunny window and watch it flourish. Then, absolutely never eat it. "This plant contains cardiac glycosides, which may cause severe poisoning when consumed," says Johnson-Arbor. (Cardiac glycosides increase the force of the heart and its rate of contractions, according to Heart Physiology and Pathophysiology.)

According to Mount Sinai, ingesting the plant could lead to niedriger Blutdruck, irregular heartbeat, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fainting, headache, and even death.

In der Tat,one 2001 report in the Archives of Disease in Childhood notes that ingesting as little as one leaf of oleander can be lethal in children. The plant is also a widely used rat poison and should be kept away from cats, dogs, and other pets.


Foxglove Flower {How Do Plants Protect Themselves}

Similar to oleander, the bright and beautiful foxglove plant contains cardiac glycosides. It's also a biennial bloom that flowers every other year. However, Johnson-Arbor notes that in its non-flowering years, the leaves it produces look remarkably similar to baby spinach. "There have been several reports of individuals who became quite ill, with nausea, vomiting, and abnormally slow heart rates, after unintentionally consuming foxglove leaves or steeping foxglove leaves to make tea," she says. Unfortunately, these symptoms can be life-threatening, and individuals often require hospitalization. "Fortunately, there is an antidote available for cardiac glycoside poisonings from both pharmaceuticals and plants," she says. So, if you're exposed, seek immediate emergency care.

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Those who struggle to keep houseplants alive may be drawn to the famously low-maintenance philodendron. This tropical plant, which comes in climbing and non-climbing varieties, only requires water about every two weeks and thrives in most lighting conditions. However, the philodendron contains oxalate crystals that can cause toxicity when touched or consumed, says Johnson-Arbor. When chewed or swallowed, the crystals can cause mouth pain, swelling, painful swallowing, and drooling. Eye or skin exposure to the plant's sap can cause irritation and redness. "Fortunately, these symptoms are unlikely to be permanent or even long-lasting," says Johnson-Arbor. "But since they can be very painful and irritating, it is recommended to avoid touching or consuming these plants."


dumb cane

Dumbcane might sound like an unsophisticated plant, but it's got the same oxalate crystal defense mechanism as the philodendron. In fact, its name was derived from its toxicity, as swallowing the dumbcane plant can cause difficulty speaking or loss of speech. While the symptoms you might experience from ingesting this plant are scary, they rarely lead to a medical emergency. According to the NCPC, in ein Fall, an 18-month-old boy chewed a piece of dumbcane and began to gag. Poison Control instructed his mother to rinse his mouth and offer him something cold and creamy to eat or drink. Within an hour, the boy's symptoms had subsided.


fig tree
Olga Peshkova/iStock

Fig trees have been all the rage in Innenarchitektur vor kurzem. Diejenigen, die hoffen, einen zu ihrem Haus hinzuzufügen, sollten es zur Kenntnis nehmen. "Bestimmte Pflanzen, darunter Feigenbäume (Ficus-Arten) und Weihnachtsstern, können bei Menschen mit einer Latexallergie allergische Reaktionen verursachen", sagt Johnson-Corbor. "Dies liegt daran, dass der Saft dieser Pflanzen Latex enthält." Wenn der Pflanzenstamm oder Blatt gebrochen ist, kann dieser Saft auslaufen und eine Ursache Reaktion. Wenn Sie nicht allergisch sind oder nur eine milde Allergie haben, ist das natürlich in Ordnung. Aber wenn Sie jemand sind, der schwere Nesselsucht oder Anaphylaxie erlebt, möchten Sie klar steuern. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Lesen Sie dies als nächstes: Wenn Ihre Pflanzen einfließen .

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