Über 50? Hier sind 6 aufregende Verabredungsideen

Beziehungsexperten sagen, dass diese Aktivitäten neue und alte Gewerkschaften gleichermaßen stärken können.

As you enter your sixth decade, brainstorming new and exciting ways to spend time together can be tough. Movie night? You and your beau have seen every rom-com that's debuted since 1985. Picnic in the park? That feels somewhat juvenile. Abend Verabredung? Gähnen. However, creating newdate night memories ist kritisch. Whether you're starting a new relationship or want to shake things up with your long-term partner, spending time with your lover boosts your bond and staves off the feeling of having fallen into a rut. Nicht sicher, wo ich anfangen soll? Keine Angst. Read on to discover six exciting date night ideas for people over 50.

VERBUNDEN:Most Couples Stop Being "In Love" After This Long, Experts Say.

Create a vision board.

Girl making a vision board

Vision boards aren't only for wedding planning and birthdays—they also make for a fabulous date night activity. "When you're over 50, your children have left the nest or are on their way out in the next few years," says Sarah RattrayAnwesendcouples psychologist and founder of the Couples Communication Institute. "Your career has likely been established, and maybe you're ready for a change." In other words, it's the perfect time to join your partner in envisioning—or re-envisioning—your future.

So, grab the magazines you have around the house and create a vision board together. "It's time to explore your dreams, goals, and visions for the next part of your life," says Rattray. "To become a team in crafting together what you'd like to give to your family, your community, and your legacy, with each other's support."

Expand your "love map."

Older couple on bike ride

According to The Gottman Institute, a love map is the level of familiarity you have with your partner's internal world (the more expansive your love map, the more intimately you know them.) So, how do expand yours? It's simple: you ask each other a ton of questions. Fortunately, this can be incorporated into any date, from going on a bike ride to sitting in your bathtub, says Carrie Krawiec, LMFT, a therapist at the Birmingham Maple Clinic in Troy, Michigan. "Revisit your partner's hopes and dreams, wishes and missed opportunities, embarrassing moments, sources of pride, and favorite or least favorite things," says Krawiec. "Partners with deep love maps can weather storms, reduce annoyance, and have a greater understanding." Try a deck of question cards for an easy way to start.

VERBUNDEN:37 Percent of People Keep This a Secret From Their Partner, Study Shows.

Go on a "flashback" date.

older man and woman eating, long marriage tips

You don't have to wait for a big anniversary to recreate one of your erste Dates zusammen. "When you go on a 'flashback date,' wear the same clothing you would have worn when you first got together and go someplace you would have gone," saysBrenda WadeAnwesendklinischer Psychologe and founder of the Modern Love and Relationship Training Programs. "Only talk about the things you would have talked about in the early days like what was fun, your friends, and what you were looking toward for the future." Wade also recommends bringing along throwback photos if you have them. "Think of this as a flashback to remind you of what attracted you to each other and what made you fall in love," she adds.

Attend an unconventional book talk or theater experience.

Guests at the theater

For a date night that blends excitement with intimacy, attend a controversial book reading, play, or movie. Then, share a bottle of wine or a bite to eat and discuss your thoughts about the event. "Learning to discuss controversy and partners' differences regarding difficult material allows strengthening through the ability to know it is okay to have different opinions, to be able to be your true self in a partnership," says Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill, Ed.S., LMFT, a therapist and relationships author. These events don't have to be too "out there," either; a play that's getting mixed reviews in the local newspaper will suffice.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

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See a live band or visit a jazz club.

jazz man

Music can spark joy and conversation, and create lasting memories. "This is a chance for couples to get to know each other's music tastes and how they have changed over the years," says Sam Nabil, LPC, founder and lead therapist at Naya Clinics. "Also, music helps the couples reminisce about fun and positive times together as music is known to release dopamine, which heightens positive emotions." EntsprechendHarvard HealthWenn Sie sich nostalgische Melodien anhören, können Sie Ihre Erinnerung an zuvor vergessene Erinnerungen auslösen. Seien Sie also nicht überrascht, wenn Sie und Ihr S.O. Teilen Sie lustige Geschichten vom High School Prom nach dem Konzert.

Melden Sie sich für eine Gartenklasse an.

Couple gardening

Runter und schmutzigim Garten Für Ihre Aktivität des nächsten Datums. "Dies kann eine gute Übung für Menschen sein, die altern, da sie eine nachhaltige Menge an Bewegung bietet und die Kameradschaft zwischen dem Paar verbessert", sagt Nabil. "Viele Therapeuten schlagen auch eine Gartentherapie für einige Paare vor, da sie ihnen hilft, neue Gewohnheiten zu schaffen, und auch beim Langzeitgedächtnis hilft." In der Tat,Eine Studie 2019 veröffentlicht in derInternationales Journal für Umweltforschung und öffentliche Gesundheit fanden heraus, dass Senioren, die eine 20-minütige Gartenaktivität durchführten, signifikant erhöhte Spiegel der Wachstumsfaktoren für gesunde Gehirnnervs-Wachstumsfaktoren BDNF und PDGF zeigten. Erstellen Sie anschließend einen Cocktail (frisches Basilikum, jemand?) Oder Snack Board und bewundern Sie Ihre Zusammenarbeit.

VERBUNDEN:32 Prozent der Menschen tun dies hinter dem Rücken ihres Partners, findet neue Studien fest.

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