John Tesh sagt, dies sei das Zeichen, dass sein Krebs zurückgekehrt war

Der Krebs-Überlebende sagt, er ignorierte zunächst das beunruhigende Symptom.

A jack-of-all-trades in the world of entertainment, John Tesh is a pianist, pop music composer, radio host, and television presenter. He's won six Emmys and released four gold albums, been nominated for two Grammy Awards, and even scored an Associated Press award for investigative journalism—an enviable career by any standard. But in 2015, the star was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Prostatakrebs and told he had just 18 months to live. Beating the odds, Tesh overcame the disease and resumed his life. However, his cancer came back in 2020—this time bringing new and surprising symptoms and challenges. Read on to find out how he learned his cancer had returned, and how he's learned to cope with the help of his wife and his faith.

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Doctors first found the cancer during a routine check-up.

John Tesh
Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

Before his Prostatakrebs diagnosis, Tesh says he was happy and healthy. "I was sort of going merrily along in my life," he toldCoping with Cancer Magazine in 2021. "[I was] 63 years old, had two grandkids, and I had done some stuff in my life I was happy with," he recalled. But when the entertainer visited his doctor's office for his annual check-up, his doctor noticed something suspicious during a digital rectal exam.

A test that measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood came back within normal range, as did Tesh's other bloodwork. (High levels of PSA may indicate the presence of prostate cancer, although other conditions can also cause heightened PSA.) Still, his healthcare team followed up with a sonogram and biopsy to be on the safe side. These tests revealed that Tesh was suffering from a rare form of aggressive prostate cancer. Doctors told the star that he had just 18 months to live, and advised him to get his affairs in order.

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Tesh knew his cancer had returned when he had severe pain in his pelvis.

John Tesh
Manny Hernandez/GC Images via Getty Images

Fortunately, Tesh outlived that original prognosis—but five years after his original diagnosis, the cancer returned. Though he had already been through one harrowing health episode, he still initially dismissed the symptoms, attributing them to his age. "In October of 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic, all of a sudden I started feeling some really serious pain in my pelvis," er sagteGuten Morgen Amerika in 2021. "I thought, at my age, maybe I just pulled a groin muscle. I started ignoring it. But then it got worse and worse and I couldn't sleep," he shared.

Doctors quickly determined that these symptoms were not to be ignored. "I went for a scan and it turned out that the cancer had returned with a vengeance. The scans showed that there were tumors wrapped around my pelvis, and one of them was strangling my right kidney, so it got serious really quickly," he explained.

Tesh hit a low point during his first battle with cancer.

John Tesh
Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

After his initial diagnosis in 2015, Tesh underwent a prostatectomy to remove his entire prostate. That was followed by androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), a form of hormone replacement therapy. The treatment came with a range of unpleasant side effects, including Nachtschweiß, insomnia, weight loss, and fatigue—but Tesh said the biggest toll it took was on his mental health. "For someone who is [being treated for prostate cancer], it's the ADT that is really life-changing. It causes a tremendous amount of depression."

As a terminal cancer patient, Tesh says pain medication was easy to come by, and he went through a dark period when he was abusing painkillers and drinking heavily. "It was a bad time. I was a bad father. I was a bad husband," Tesh told Coping.

"I fought hard in the beginning. Then when the cancer came back, it was like someone had slammed a door in my face," he told GMA GastgeberMichael Strahan. "Hope was not something that was prevalent in my life at that point."

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His wife, and their shared faith, lifted him from the depths of despair.

John Tesh and wife Connie Sellecca
Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic

Tesh says that at his lowest point, his wife of 30 years, Connie Sellecca, intervenierte mit etwas dringend benötigter harter Liebe. "An einem bestimmten Punkt, Connie und ich kamen bis zum Zehen, sagte Tesh dem Strahan. "Sie schickte mir grundsätzlich die Botschaft eindeutig an, dass sie dies nicht einhalten würde. Sie hatte in mich investiert und die Beziehung und meine Gesundheit investiert, und wirklich irgendwie ein Ultimatum gab, das ich richtete, um herauszufinden, dass er richtete", erinnerte er sich.

Das Tesh sagt, er erhielt diese Nachricht laut und klar, und es hat ihm dabei geholfen, wieder positivere Bewältigungsmöglichkeiten zu finden. "Von diesem Zeitpunkt wurde mir klar, dass ich aufhören müsste, dass ich aufhören würde, mich mitten in meiner Mitleidpartei zu leiden, und musste mich durch das Leiden anfangen", sagte er. "Ich wusste, dass ich mit Connies Hilfe und mit Gottes Zusammenarbeit auf der anderen Seite sehen konnte - und das ist so wichtig. Ich hörte auf, über mich selbst zu redenKrebspatient. Gemeinsam würden wir mit dem Verständnis beten, dass Gott mich gut gewünscht hat ", fügte das Tuh hinzu.

Heute sagt der Stern, dass er immer noch kämpft, um seine Gesundheit zu bewahren, tut es aber von einem positiveren Ort. "Ich bin wieder im Geschäft", sagte erBewältigung. "Ich habe immer noch etwas Tumorgewebe, und einer meiner Nieren ist ziemlich tot", räumte er an. "Aber es hat mich nicht aufgehört. Ich gehe immer noch", sagte er.

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